Population Health Management - Training materials now available

To help colleagues understand how to embed the Population Health Management Framework (PHMF) within their health and care projects, the Hounslow Public Health Team have developed the following training resources: 

Population Health Management Framework Guide

Data and Segmentation:

  • Examples on how colleagues have implemented these tools within their projects.
  • Resource guides and available tools to understand the local population, including the Data Hub and WSIC.
  • Recent case studies examples where teams have segmented data to understand inequalities and develop interventions.
  • Current project examples linked to residents living in the CORE20 areas of Hounslow.

Click here for the training video.

Research and Engagement Part 1

  • Methods and approaches.
  • How to reach your desired segmented groups.
  • Project examples.
  • Positive outcomes that have helped inform projects objectives

Click here for the training video.

Logic Models and Evaluation 

  • How to use data and engagement to understand the needs of our residents.
  • How to identify and target those who will benefit most from interventions.
  • How to develop evidence-based interventions.
  • How to embed evaluation to understand impact.

Click here for the training video.

There is till time to book: 



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