Population Health Management Framework Lunch and Learn Events - Book Now

Don't miss the new virtual Population Health Management Lunch and Learn events being delivered by the Hounslow Public Health Team. 

Upcoming events include: 

  • Overview of the Population Health Management Framework - Wednesday 22 November, 12pm - 1pm. Book here

  • Logic Models and Evaluation - Tuesday 12 December, 12pm - 1pm - Book here

This is a great opportunity to learn how The Population Health Management Framework (PHMF) helps to:

  • Use data and engagement to understand the needs of our residents
  • Identify and target those who will benefit most from interventions
  • Develop evidence-based interventions
  • Embed evaluation to understand impact. 

If you are unable to attend the lunch and learn events, Population Health Management Framework training materials are now available on the BBP Resource Centre in the Population Health Management folder, they include:  

  • Population Health Management Framework guide

  • “Five steps to research” presentation and a more detailed Research Guide

  •  Logic models & 6 steps to evaluation presentation

  •  Evaluation template and evaluation guide

The following PHMF Case Studies demonstrate how the framework has supported a range of projects: 

For further information or to understand how this new approach could potentially support your evaluation or project, please contact sterling.rippy@hounslow.gov.uk


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