Hounslow ​​​​​​​has been awarded Dementia Friendly Community status

The BBP is pleased to announce that the London Borough of Hounslow has been awarded Dementia Friendly Community status by The Alzheimer’s Society.

Hounslow joins 433 communities across the country who have earned the Dementia Friendly title.

The award citation states Hounslow Council and its partners are working to: “empower people with dementia to have high aspirations, confident in the knowledge that they can contribute and participate in activities that are meaningful to them.”

Earlier this year health and care partners, across the borough, joined with the business community and residents to create the Dementia Action Alliance.

The alliance ensures that people living with dementia and their carers are understood, respected and supported. It also works with people living with dementia and their carers to understand how services for them can be improved.

Kate Sergeant, Service Manager for The Alzheimer’s Society in Hounslow, added: “Creating a Dementia Friendly Community requires dedication and collaboration from all the partners within our borough. By raising awareness, providing education, and providing services that are tailored to people’s needs, we are creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for those living with dementia and their carers.

“Receiving the status is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved. We will keep looking for ways to improve the help and support available for people affected by the disease.”

The NHS estimates that there are more than 2,000 people over 65 living with dementia in Hounslow, it is anticipated that this could reach 3,000 by 2030.

Some of the initiatives that are being pioneered in Hounslow include regular memory cafes for people living with dementia and their carers to enjoy group activities and speak to people on a similar journey. There are Singing for the Brain sessions and regular outdoor-themed events such as dementia-friendly walks.

Earlier this year the Council and its partners hosted a week-long series of events for Dementia Awareness Week. This included the showcasing of a special awareness-raising video called Glimpses, which was shot on location in Hounslow. The film has recently been accepted by the prestigious Aesthetica Film Festival and will be shown as part of the festival in November. Watch the video here.

For more information on Dementia Projects that are being delivered across the BBP Partnership please click here

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