New SEND Local Offer website

Hounslow Council is pleased to announce the brand new SEND Local Offer website is now live! You can view it here: 

This site provides advice, guidance and support for families with young people aged 0–25 and with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). It is therefore is a vital resource for any professionals working with families and young people with SEND.  

To ensure families can access information and support when they need it, we need to increase the awareness of the Local Offer. Please ensure all links to our old Local Offer website are replaced with the new one above, and that this is shared with any families and professionals you work with (or even those you know of personally within the borough where SEND services might be applicable).   

To celebrate the launch of this new website, a Local Offer Launch Event is being hosted on Friday 24th January, between 10am and 4:30pm on the ground floor of Hounslow House (Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3 3EB).  

This is a marketplace event with both Council services and external partners attending. No invitation is required; come and connect with other professionals and external partners to find out more about what support and services are available for children and young people with SEND. Please do also share details of the launch event with any families, parents or carers you are working with (and again, those you know of personally within the borough) to ensure they have the opportunity to attend.

If you have any further questions about the Local Offer site or our launch event, please contact 


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