New prospectus for the Wellbeing and Recovery College – Summer 2024

The West London Wellbeing and Recovery College is open to everyone eighteen and over, living, working and studying in Ealing, Hounslow and Hammersmith & Fulham.

Their educational courses and workshops are free and focus on physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and recovery. They believe hope, empowerment, possibility and aspiration are central to good mental health and wellbeing.

Courses and workshops are developed and delivered using a combination of lived and professional experience. This co-production process is at the heart of everything they do.

They look forward to welcoming new and returning students who want to learn about their mental health and wellbeing in a friendly, supportive environment.

Click here to view the Summer 2024 Prospectus

For more information or to book our Workshops/Courses, please contact them via:
07483950910 / 020 8483 1456 or

Please share the prospectus with your networks 


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