New Population Health Management Clinic

The Population Health Management Clinic, the first of its kind in a secondary care setting, officially opened last week at the West Middlesex University Hospital site pre-assessment unit. 

The project, which was supported by the Hounslow Borough Based Partnership Population Health Management Framework in conjunction with the Hounslow Council Public Health Team, aims to improve population health, by data driven planning, and delivery of proactive care to patients to achieve maximum impact. 

The ‘Making Every Contact Count’ approach in the pre-assessment unit helps to engage in conversations with patients about their lifestyle and providing the tools and information they need to make meaningful changes in managing a range of conditions including hypertension, diabetes, smoking and more. 

New PHMF Clinic.jpg

The West Middlesex University Hospital Medical Director, Head of WMUH Pharmacy, Lead Anaesthetist of the Pre-assessment Unit and Pre-assessment Nurses and staff all attended the opening ceremony on the 19 January.  

The Population Health Management Framework can be adopted within many projects in Hounslow, the approach aims to:

  • Use data and engagement to understand the needs of our residents
  • Identify and target those who will benefit most from interventions
  • Develop evidence-based interventions
  • Embed evaluation to understand impact. 

The Hounslow Public Health team will be hosting the following Lunch and Learn events for all colleagues:

  • Research and Engagement Part 1 - Thursday 22 February, 1pm - 2pm. Covering methods and approaches, and how to reach your desired segmented groups to help inform your projects objectives - Book here. 

  • Research and Engagement Part 2 - Wednesday 13 March, 12pm - 1pm. Focusing on the best research tools to help gather insights when engaging with residents - Book here. 

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