Healthy Hounslow can help residents to become more active, stop smoking and eat well. The service will also include exercise on referral and community NHS health checks, plus it has partnered with HRCH/Feltham and Bedfont Primary Care Network, MoreLife, BeeZee Bodies and Lampton Leisure to deliver these positive changes.
The programme for the new service includes activities such as health coaching, targeted health check outreach, aftercare support clubs and further action on food insecurity, in addition to building on the existing support for weight management, physical activity and smoking cessation.
The services offered by Healthy Hounslow are available to anyone who lives, works, studies, or has a GP in the borough of Hounslow. Residents can engage with Healthy Hounslow directly or can be referred to the service by GPs and other local services.
As part of the new service, Lampton Leisure will support 700 residents through healthy activity programmes annually. Lampton Leisure will also introduce physical activity sessions within the borough that will see 1,000 residents take part in walking sports, multi-sport sessions, basketball, tennis and group exercise classes.
Healthy Hounslow replaced the existing One You Hounslow as the borough’s healthy lifestyle service. One You Hounslow was launched in 2016 as a partnership between Hounslow Council and Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust (HRCH). Since then it has helped thousands of residents to lead healthier, active lifestyles and make positive lifestyle choices.
Find out more about Healthy Hounslow at –