Delivered by HRCH and in partnership with the London Borough of Hounslow, the service is for adults over 65 that have had a fall, have a fear of falls or are at risk of falls and would benefit from a preventative approach.
It will also provide bone health assessments for adults over 50 who are at risk of Osteoporosis whereby risk factors could be reduced with education and exercise. The service will also link with the Frailty Clinic at West Middlesex Hospital and work with voluntary and community partners to support our patients.
We know that this is an incredibly important service that will have an impact on the whole system – older people who fall make up a large number of ambulance conveyances and hospital inpatient stays. We want people to be safe at home, and when they are out and about, and this service will support this.
HRCH Single Point of Access
Telephone – 020 8973 3450
Email – hounslowandrichmond.
Queries and case discussion
Falls Prevention and Bone Health Service
Telephone – 020 8614 5490
Email - hrch.