New Befriending Service Launches in Hounslow

The BBP is excited to announce the launch of a new service designed to help reduce social isolation and increase mental and physical wellbeing for groups most impacted by health inequalities across Hounslow. Sadly, Hounslow has a higher percentage of adults who feel lonely ‘often’ or ‘always’ than London and England.

The service is being delivered by BEfriend and offers two options of support:

  • Core befriending (80 people per year) - for adults who are lonely and isolated without regular social support. Trained befrienders will visit weekly for 1-3 hours and either stay in or go out somewhere together. Support to include attending community activities and accompanying to health appointments.
  • Linked Minds (50 people per year) - more assertive offer to recovery, including supporting residents with a mental health condition. Weekly befriending is offered for one year, and volunteers support the clients to re-engage with the community. After 6 months residents can attend a monthly peer support group where they can meet other service users and discuss strategies to help their recovery.

BEfriend is now open to colleagues to make referrals.

To make a referral residents/patients must live in Hounslow and:

    • Be aged 18 or over.
    • Be experiencing prolonged and chronic loneliness/social isolation, due to frailty, physical illness, a long-term condition, dementia and/or mental health.
    • Live alone
    • Be experiencing difficulty accessing their community or appointments.
    • Not be going out socially more than once a week.

To be eligible for Linked Minds, residents must meet the above criteria and also

    • Require a more assertive offer to recovery.

The service aims to support 130 residents at any one time. Due to limited capacity residents with the highest need will be prioritised.

Katrina Bell, Joint Commissioning Manager - Preventative Services and Supported Housing, Hounslow Council, said:

“Socially isolated people are more likely to suffer depression and less likely to be physically active. Without social connections people are more vulnerable to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness which can at times lead to self-harm and suicide.”

Evidence has shown that socially isolated people have poorer health outcomes, which the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated with an increasing number of vulnerable people unable to, or fearful of leaving their homes without support. A befriender provides companionship and helps people to access and reconnect with their local community, reducing their risk of needing statutory support and enhancing their quality of life and overall wellbeing.

BEfriend started taking referrals on 2nd October 2023, and they can be made through the Befriend website   

The Team is also actively recruiting BEfriend volunteers, who are an essential part of the service – we ask colleagues to please promote these opportunities in their networks


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