Huge thanks for supporting day of action for women’s health

Ahead of International Day of Action for Women’s Health on Tuesday, 28 May, colleagues from Hounslow Council and NHS partners delivered a morning of community outreach at six locations across the borough to better understand local women’s health experiences. More than 35 colleagues from across the partnership volunteered and their support is greatly appreciated. 


Approximately 150 residents shared their feedback, which was then analysed by the Hounslow Behaviour Insights Team. You can see the insight here.

In the afternoon, the Council and NHS health partners then delivered a free women’s health event designed to showcase some of the challenges women face around their health. More than 100 residents signed up, and keynote speakers either shared their personal health journeys, insight highlights from the 150 women who had participated in the morning engagement surveys, or  highlighted various support services.

The event also hosted a selection of community stalls to help create awareness for the variety of services available to women in Hounslow. The day was a great success as it helped highlight to residents how important women's health is across the partnership. 




All the feedback from the day will be used to help shape the first local Hounslow Women’s Health Strategy, which aims to be published May 2025. 


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