Thewodros Leka scoops European award nomination

Huge congratulations to Thewodros Leka- Lead Pharmacist, Population Health Management Clinic at West Middlesex University Hospital (WMUH) Pre-Assessment Unit, for his recent award nomination at the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) annual EAHP Congress.

This is a huge achievement, with the Scientific Committee receiving submissions across Europe and all over the world.

This nomination is for the his project ‘Establishing Population Health Management Clinic (PHMC) in surgical pre-assessment unit at WMUH’.

Thewodros Leka has been invited to present at the 28th EAHP Congress, on the 22 March 2024, in Bordeaux (France).  Where he will highlight how the hospitals new clinic is,

“Embracing a Population Health Management Framework to help transform care delivery, and empower communities by fostering proactive, personalised interventions, ultimately steering them towards healthier populations and improved outcomes.”

Read how Theo developed the pro-active prevention programme to understand the health needs of patients who attended the hospitals pre-assessment clinic here.

Sterling Rippy, Senior Public Health Strategist at Hounslow Council was first to congratulate Theo,

“It has been great to support Theo on this outstanding project, this is the perfect example of what the Hounslow Borough Based Partnership (BBP) wishes to achieve with population health management in Hounslow.

“We want to proactively use data to understand our residents to support them to benefit from preventative services, moving from silos to systems working to deliver a more joined up integrated care services, ensuring people receive the right service, at the right time, from the right people.”

What is the EAHP?

The EAHP represents more than 27.000 hospital pharmacists in 36 European countries and is the only association of national organisations representing hospital pharmacists at European and international levels. The EAHP Scientific Committee (SC) strives to receive submissions of hospital pharmacy related initiatives from applicants in Europe and all over the world.


Learn how your organisation could adopt the Population Management approach here

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