Come and Grab a Brew – Monday, 15 January

The third Monday of the year is sometimes referred to as Blue Monday, as it’s supposedly the day when people’s mood suffers the most. To counter the idea of ‘Blue Monday’ The Hounslow Council Workplace Wellbeing Champions are hosting two events on Monday, 15 January to bring colleagues together in a positive way



From 8.45am-11.30am colleagues from across the partnership are invited to visit the foyer on the ground floor of Hounslow House for a cuppa and a chat (Hot drinks will be provided). Alternatively, colleagues can join a virtual escape room from 10.30am-11am where they can beat those Monday blues by taking 30 minutes to chat over a cup of tea. Click here to join on teams.


Also, during January, the Hounslow Public Health team are keen to highlight their #JustSaySomething campaign designed to promote positive mental health by encouraging people to talk about the issues affecting them.

The campaign aims to encourage anyone who may be feeling overwhelmed, or reaching crisis point to please #JustSaySomething as support is always available.

The Council works closely with the mental health charity MIND to provide the Hounslow Safe Space Helpline - 020 3475 5185. This free service operates between 11am and 11pm every day of the year. Callers can speak to trained staff experienced in dealing with people who need urgent mental health support. The service is aimed at anyone who is over 18.

If you are worried about a young person, Mental health support is also available online from KOOTH aimed at young people aged 11 to 25 and from the QWELL website designed for adults. You can also find online support and a range of resources to support your mental health at the Thrive LDN website.

Online Zero Suicide Alliance Suicide Awareness Training

This month the BBP is also encouraging all colleagues to please take 20 minutes out of their day to do the online Zero Suicide Alliance Suicide Awareness training -

As sadly over the last ten years 200 Hounslow residents have died by suicide, and every single suicide is a tragic loss that leaves a long-lasting effect on the people who cared about them. 

The training is very practical and uses three scenarios to help you:

  1. Spot suicide warning signs
  2. Have a conversation with someone you’re worried about
  3. Know where to signpost to for further support.

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