BBP Colleagues attend CORE20PLUS5 Research Findings Workshop

On Thursday 22nd August, almost 100 colleagues from the BBP came together for a workshop to learn, and share findings from VCSE led engagement on CORE20PLUS5.


Over the last year, the BBP has conducted data analysis to build an understanding of our CORE20PLUS5 cohorts including who they are, their met and unmet health and wellbeing needs. In addition nine VCSE groups were funded to speak to residents in these areas to gather their views on what impacts health and wellbeing, and what could help improve their lives.

The work from the data analysis and the VCSE groups has provided deep insights into the challenges faced by those living in the most deprived areas of Hounslow (CORE20 areas).



This event presented the findings from these activities, emphasising the voices of residents. Attendees benefited from learning the following:

•    Health inequalities in CORE20 areas
•    Findings from data analysis
•    The merits of delivering targeted community engagement via VCSE partners
•    Resident feedback
•    How the findings link with current Health and Care organisation priorities and projects
•    How next steps will flow into the new Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTs).

Feedback following the event evidenced:

•    All respondents say they now feel their understanding of CORE20PLUS5 is high or very high.
•    96% respondents feel confident or extremely confident to apply CORE20PLUS5 in their own work.
•    Everyone felt like they are likely or very likely to apply CORE20PLUS5 approaches to their work.
The CORE20PLLUS5 strategy in hounslow aims to empower all BBP staff to take initiatives to reduce inequalities by adapting their way of working. 

The findings from the report will be published in the Annual Public Health Report this autumn, with a complete breakdown of the data and insights gathered.
The aim is that every team, in every organisation, can use this data to develop targeted interventions to improve health outcomes.

Find out more about the project here.


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