The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets out a three-year vision for health and wellbeing in Hounslow. The Strategy is refreshed every three years to ensure it is relevant with current health challenges. Due to COVID-19, the refresh of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-22 was interrupted to address the health priorities of the pandemic.
To help underpin a newly drafted Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2026 an interactive survey was designed to collect feedback from community groups and residents from September 2022 to November 2022.
The purpose of the consultation was to verify with residents the priorities proposed in the drafted Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2026 and to collect feedback on any potential refinements.
164 survey responses were gathered. 23 of those responses came from organisations. For each priority listed in the Strategy, the majority of responses either strongly agreed or agreed with the statement.
Key themes that were identified from the consultation were around how the priorities were going to be delivered and evaluated, having accessible and affordable ways to do physical exercise, supporting people with mental health, educating residents to be sensitive and supportive with health challenges, building support networks, and GP access.