Collaborating with Afghan and Iranian women to dispel cervical screening myths, and increase cancer awareness and uptake.

The Hounslow Health Engagement Lead delivered two tailored workshops at the Afghan and Central Asian Association (ACAA) in Feltham, which was well attended by approximately 40 – 45 women.  Sessions were delivered mainly in Farsi with the help of a volunteer interpreter, and some women participated in Urdu conversations.

Key outcomes highlighted:  

  • Participants had no understanding about the difference between screening and diagnosis, as in their home countries screening programmes do not exist.
  • Women were hesitant to visit a nurse, as they would prefer going to a doctor for any medical procedure.
  • Mothers with daughters in their 20s are very hesitant to let their daughter undertake a screening, as they felt it would tamper with their virginity.

Educational learning on the day focused on:

  • Explaining the screening process and purpose in a friendly and informal manner.
  • The role and capabilities of nurses, reinforcing that they fully qualified and authorised to carry out screenings, and that these do not need to be doctor led.
  • Explanations that the hymen is not ruptured during a cervical screening.
  • Symptoms and when to visit their GP.

Attendees are still hesitant to undergo a screening but are happy to continue with educational learning. The health engagement lead has planned a third workshop in February 2025 and will continue to deliver targeted engagement at regular intervals during 2025 to increase attendee confidence in cervical screening.

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