Following a SEND inspection in 2022, the below areas were identified areas for improvement:
- Education, Health, and Care Plans
- Coproduction
- Therapies
- Preparation for Adulthood (PfA)
Education, Health, and Care Plans
Effective multi-agency quality assurance processes to be implemented that adhere to locally agreed practice standards to deliver continuing improvements to the quality of EHC plans.
Multi-agency activities are established through the SEND operational board to improve joint working arrangements.
Quality Assurance processes inform professional development and learning opportunities to make continuous improvements to quality across education, health and care.
Effective multi-agency quality assurance processes to be implemented that adhere to locally agreed practice standards to deliver continuing improvements to the quality of EHC plans.
Multi-agency activities are established through the SEND operational board to improve joint working arrangements.
Quality Assurance processes inform professional development and learning opportunities to make continuous improvements to quality across education, health and care.
Commissioned therapies meet identified and assessed needs.
Therapy interventions are implemented as specified in EHCPs.
Therapy interventions support children and young people meet their outcomes.
Preparation for Adulthood (PfA)
EHC plans and supporting advice are of consistent high quality, and are strength based with identified needs, provision and outcomes are developed collaboratively.
Effective quality assurance processes are implemented adhering to locally agreed practice standards to deliver continuing improvements to the quality of EHC plans.
Annual reviews are completed on time will help CYP to achieve their long-term goals, preparing them for adulthood.
Timely guidance, support, and information about appropriate pathways for young people to make successful transition.
A Written statement of action delivery group meet weekly to track progress against the actions and the given deadlines.
This is reported to the BBP workstream Children with SEND and Complex needs and areas of concerns are escalated. The DfE and LBH officials meet quarterly to ensure progress is made and we are meeting expectations.