The CORE20PLUS5 project, funded by the NWL Inequalities Transformation fund, enables the BBP to ensure a data driven approach to our work and meet the NW London ICS Inequalities objectives of:
- Reduce inequalities in health outcomes
- Reduce inequalities in access
- Enhance economic/employment impact of our work
- Reduce inequalities of experience
CORE20PLUS5 is a national strategy designed to reduce health inequalities. In order to engage successfully with our communities and design tailor made interventions, we need the appropriate data and, following interventions, we need to track, monitor and evaluate our approaches to address that risk. Together with the Health Outreach Team, the CORE20PLUS5 project aims to help us build an understanding of our residents impacted by health inequalities and develop and evaluate interventions to improve their health outcomes.
There are 12 CORE20 LSOAs in Hounslow. Combining information about geography, employment, financial data, and health data we can build a story about our most deprived groups and develop proactive targeted interventions to support them working with PCNs, public health, and wider health and council partners. There are also 3 PLUS cohorts which we are focusing on: asylum seekers, those experiencing homelessness, and young carers.

- Build an understanding of our CORE20PLUS5 cohorts including who they are, their met and unmet health and wellbeing needs, and their views on what can improve their lives.
- Work with residents to co-design solutions across the health system to reduce health inequalities
- Measure impact of interventions
Two workshops have been held to understand our CORE20PLUS5 cohorts and agree our PLUS cohorts. Four workstreams have developed out of these workshops:
A second workshop was held to look at our CORE20 cohorts and their health needs. The data from this project can be found in the resource centre. To understand the views of residents living in the CORE20 areas, we set up a community grant fund. Nine VCSE groups were successful:
Acacia |
Autism Hounslow |
Brentford Football Club |
C-Change |
Fairer Housing |
Friends of Cathja |
Hounslow Respiratory |
From April-May 2024, these community groups will be conducting local engagement with residents to identify key experiences and opportunities for improving health outcomes.The public health team is collating these findings and combining them with the data analyse to triangulate the findings.
Work has progressed around asylum seekers, particularly around primary care, and mental health and improving coordination of support at two hotels. An outreach primary care service launched this year to go into asylum seeker hotels and a cross-BBP working group has been established to coordinate mental health support.
Homeless Health planes to conduct a health needs audit in Spring 2024 and Young Carers projects are in the scoping phase.
In August, a workshop will be held to share the findings from the VCSE led engagement.
The work from the data analysis and the VCSE groups has provided deep insights into the challenges faced by those living in the most deprived areas of Hounslow (CORE20 areas).
This event will present the findings from these activities, emphasising the voices of residents. Attendees will benefit from learning the following:
- Health inequalities in CORE20 areas
- Findings from data analysis
- The merits of delivering targeted community engagement via VCSE partners
- Resident feedback
- How the findings link with current Health and Care organisation priorities and projects
- How next steps will flow into the new Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTs).
Details of this event will be shared with BBP partners shortly.
To get involved with this work please contact sterling.