Integrated Discharge

The purpose of the Integrated Discharge project is to manage and oversee live actions, that to help improve patient flow at West Middlesex University Hospital.

This includes, clear and effective communications are in place; the delivery of new services such as the Bridging Care model, and streamlining current open actions for service improvement.

The purpose and ambition of the Integrated Discharge project is to:

  • Improve the experience and outcomes relating to discharge (patients and carers)
  • Improve timeliness to prevent avoidable delayed discharges, particularly the 21+ Length of Stay (patients who have resided in hospital for 21 or more days) 
  • Optimise discharges across pathways relating to discharge with need (Pathway 1 – further care and support in the community; Pathway 2 – require an intermediate care bed; Pathway 3 – require admission to a care/residential home) 
  • Reduce number of patients who remain in hospital once they are medically optimised/no longer meet the criteria to reside

For a full project explainer, please click here

•    To improve timely discharges: 7, 14 and 21+ days Length of Stay (LOS)
•    To improve in patient/carer experience and outcomes relating to discharge
•    To optimise discharge pathways across P1-3 across all system partners (including successful rollout of Hounslow Bridging Care model)
•    To reduce the amount of time between medically optimised and discharge

This project formally commenced as part of the Borough Based Partnership (BBP) Frailty Programme in September 2023 and colleagues are currently working to a live action plan. Next steps:

1. Continue to deliver and monitor performance and impact of Hounslow's Bridging Care model

2. Review and implement solutions to improve the quality of NBAs to support more efficient discharges at West Middlesex Hospital.

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