Children and Young People with Asthma: Integrated pilot project Feltham and Bedfont Primary Care Network


Asthma affects many children in NWL. Particularly those living in areas of deprivation, and the NWL ICB had sadly witnessed preventable deaths among children linked to unmanaged asthma.

Asthma needed to be a priority

The BBP aims to improve Children and Young Peoples asthma outcomes by reducing health Inequalities across Hounslow.

To support the above aim, a pilot project was launched in September 2022 by The Feltham and Bedfont Primary Care Network (PCN) as they had identified an above average number of children and young people with asthma being admitted to A&E (Over a 12 month period there were 52 admissions). The pilot in this locality aimed to improve the health, wellbeing and understanding of challenges faced by children, young people, and families impacted by asthma.

Project objectives:

  • Increase the number of annual asthma reviews for Children and Young people in Feltham.
  • Decrease the use of reliever medication usage ( SABA/blue inhaler).
  • Increase the number of updated annual asthma reviews received by schools.
  • Potential reduction in the number school absences due to asthma exacerbation.

Progress so far:

  • PCN pharmacists have been trained to review children and young people (CYP) with asthma.
  • Two pop-up clinics were delivered at two Feltham schools (REACH academy and Bedfont Primary School) to help increase asthma awareness and engagement amongst children, young people, schools, and parents. 
  • In June 2023, the PCN implemented a pharmacist led CYP asthma clinic. Patients were selected by risk stratification process: high reliever medication usage and hospital attendances.
  • The Hounslow Borough Respiratory Support Group launched a new virtual CYP asthma support session for parents.

Future Plans:

  • To deliver MDT sessions for high-risk asthma children (MDT membership: Asthma Specialist Pharmacist, Paediatric Respiratory Consultant and Paediatric Asthma Specialist Nurse).
  • The Social Prescriber team to follow-up with patients and families whose children are at High Risk of asthma and have missed three appointments.  
  • Patients risk stratification will include population deprivation codes to help identify health inequalities.
  • The PCN CYP asthma pharmacist led clinic will be delivered at the new Family hub site (date is still TBC)
  • To deliver a new joint clinic at West Middlesex (between the PCN pharmacist and consultant) later in the year.
  • To deliver increased engagement sessions at Feltham schools including developing student/peer asthma champions.
  • Group consultations to be designed for high-risk children, with delivery date planned in 2024.
  • To continue to promote the asthma friendly school programme to help drive awareness and increase uptake.

Listen to Angela McKenzie, Senior Delivery Manager at NWL highlight how this project is being delivered - listen here.



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