The primary purpose of the Falls Prevention Service is to prevent avoidable falls and subsequent admission to hospital for people aged 65-79 years.
In the 2020 -2021 ‘Public health Outcomes Framework’ (Fingertips) recognised that falls incidents in Hounslow were the highest out of all the London Boroughs for people aged 65-79 years.
Between July 2021-June 2022, 3375 people aged over 65 attended the emergency department at West Middlesex after a fall related incident.
The goal is to support the delivery of a whole system and community coordinated approach to preventing falls. Working with a range of professionals and community groups.
The core of this service is clinically lead, supported by a wider information and advice service.
The new Falls prevention referral pathway went live on 30 January 2023 for those at risk of falling and those who have experienced a fall.
All referrals go through a single clinical referral pathway.
All referrals are assessed by a clinician.
Patients will be seen within the clinic or referrals will be made for the appropriate support:
E.g., Home Safety Team, SDEC, Physio, Occupational therapy, dietitian, oral health, hearing/speech therapy, strength & balance classes, home safety assessments, home fire safety assessments, social prescribers.
We will be monitoring and reviewing the service via meetings and monthly data collection. Which will include:
Number of falls related emergency hospital admissions in cases 65-79
Where falls occur, a profile of residents who fall age, where they live, gender, ethnicity, activity levels, pre-existing co-morbidities.
Number of repeated falls (with/without acute admission) within 1 year.
Number of falls identified in care home settings
Number of hip fractures sustained due to a fall.
Quality audit of referrals, assessments, reviews.
Number of home safety assessments an equipment installation.
Between January and September the falls prevention service received over 800 referrals. Most of these referrals where made via the GP.
A campaign was designed to publicise and make residents aware of the service, in particular the self referral pathway.
Campaign included:
Public Health and Friends and Family questionnaires.
Advertising on - Radio Jacki, West London Gazette, Online platforms and Facebook.
During the campaign, Hounslow's falls prevention website received over 3000 views.
Facebook received over 3400 clicks.
Feedback from the patient questionnaire:
Overall positive comments about the service.
"It is beneficial with friendly caring staff. Shout outs to the Physiotherapists and the home visiting practitioner: informative, patient, communicative, understanding and gave clear instructions."
Engagement January 2024
Stakeholder event held at Hounslow House.
The event brought falls prevention partners together. Great opportunity to network and share good practise.